Hi, Fannie, here!
I was just learning a little about our American history. Do you know how many wars and skirmishes in which our nation has been involved? Wow, almost too many to count!
Well, there is special day this month where we honor all of our Military Veterans. I checked the catalog of items at AncestorStuff.com. There are so many listings under the Military category.
Click this link to see all of the items!
Since I am originally from Kentucky, I decided to focus on Military books about that state.
Have you ever heard of George Rogers Clark? He must have been really important, because I saw three books about him. All three of them are published by Heritage Books. And, they aren't very expensive.
Hey there is a SPECIAL GIFT, too. If I buy over $50 from AncestorStuff.com, I get a $5 gift certificate. That means I can get even more later on, or give it to a friend as a gift!
You can do it, too! Make your way to AncestorStuff.com right now, and see the neat deals!
Oh, and don't forget to tell a veteran, "Thank you for your service".