Do you follow Family History Daily newsletter/blog?
Fannie does! And she is very excited to share this news with everyone.
Family History Daily has just announced their New website that will make it easier than ever before to find all those FREE websites that just might lead you to the exact information that you have been needing to fill those holes in your family research projects.
yep, and it's FREE, too.
doGenealogy is a new tool from
Family History Daily that makes it easier than ever to locate no-cost genealogy research sites.
Because this is a brand new project we have many free sites still to add, check back regularly for these new resources.
While paid resources, like, provide excellent services to family historians, there is a wealth of free genealogy data also available online.
doGenealogy offers a hand selected database of only high quality, completely free genealogy sites that will help you expand your research without spending a cent."
You can sign up for a periodic newsletter to keep informed of all the newly added sites. Now, that is really neat.
Fannie Looks Over the New Website, DoGenealogy |
Fannie has been playing with this website while the snow flies outside. It is sure to keep her busy while mommy and daddy try to keep the walkways cleared of ice and snow. She has to have a safe path for her daily walks!
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