Thursday, May 26, 2016

Fannie Celebrates Memorial Day 2016 : Her Favorite Military and War Selections

Fannie :  Black Lab Mix and History Buff Mutt
Fannie is excited about Memorial Day!!!  Hotdogs, Hamburgers and, of course, saluting Old Glory.

Fannie has searched the catalogs of to find some items to suggest to her friends who are interested in celebrating the lives of those men and women who fought to keep our country free.  She chose her selections very carefully....looking for just the right ones.  Here's what she would like to feature as her personal picks:

An Ordinary Soldier – Christopher Hite of Bedford, Pennsylvania and the Continental Army
by Richard Hite, 2010, 8.5” x 11”, Softbound, 105 pp
ISBN 9781558565258
Christopher Hite, a typical Continental Army Soldier, poor and illiterate, has a story to tell from the monthly rosters of his regiment. tax records and local histories of the area in which he lived.   He and the other "ordinary" soldiers of the Continental Army were mostly sons of impoverished immigrants.  Very few of these men learned to read and write. Christopher spent six and a half years in the military.  This book seeks to tell his story, and the story of his "ordinary" comrades that served our nation in the war that started this United States of America on it's way to becoming the republic that is it today. AncestorStuff item 115-615,  $13.56

First in His Class: Captain Oberlin Carter and the Savannah Harbor Scandal  by Philip W. Leon, 2009, 5½x8½, paper, index, 314 pp. ISBN: 0788450220
Captain Carter was a rising star....graduating first in his class at West Point in 1880. In order to make imports and exports more manageable, he changed the depth and the course of the Savannah River. Although very admired by the public, he was charged with defrauding the federal government by fixing the bidding process by which the corps of engineers awarded contracts. He was fined and sentenced, stripped of his rank.  Never did he admit guilt and continued to appeal his case until 1944 when he passed away at the age of 88. AncestorStuff item 501-L5022, $25.20

I Flew With Hell’s Angels, Thirty-Six Combat Missions in a B-17 “Flying Fortress" 1944-1945, by William Albertson.,  (2005), 2007, 192 pp. , ISBN: 078843506X

This is a fascinating book about the "Flying Fortress", known as Hell's Angels...of the 303rd Bombardment Group of the Eighth Air Force in World War II.  Clark Gable was a "member", which gave the group a bit of glamour and fame.  But those who managed to join it's ranks learned that fear and heart-pounding moments were the norm.  William Albertson tells the story of his father's experiences as a B-17 navigator.  He incorporates photos from the National Archives along with the personal notes and letters written by his father.  Hell's Angels attacked the areas of Dresden, Bremen, Berlin and many other places.  A definite tribute to the brave men of the flying 303rd.
AncestorStuff item 501-A3506  $21.60

Fannie would like to know what you think of her personal picks for Memorial Day 2016.  Leave her a note on her blog.  Suggest other books to Fannie....just make sure that they are found in the on-line catalog,, Oh, BTW,  Don't Miss the Special Memorial Day Free Shipping Offer.  Buy 3 or more items from the MILITARY Catalog on, and get FREE SHIPPING.  Offer expires 13 June 2016.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Fannie's Favorites : May 2016

Fannie's Favorites

This month Fannie has chosen to share an exciting book with her public followers on, LLC.  She is fascinated with old and new inventions.  She really likes the ones that have been around a while, but she has never heard about them....until she stumbles upon a book, like this one!

The Flying Submarine, The Story of the Invention of the Reid Flying Submarine, RFS-1, by Bruce Reid.  (2004), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 178 pp. 
ISBN: 0788431366

A flying aircraft that can be a submarine?  "Come on," said Fannie.  "You have got to me pulling my paw!"  She read the description of the book on the Internet, and she was immediately hooked!

"The Flying Submarine: The Story of the Invention of the Reid Flying Submarine, RFS-1 - Bruce Reid. Is it science fiction? No! This is the true story of the invention of the world's first submersible aircraft. Developed during the Cold War era, the military potential of such a craft was invaluable, and the inventor worked tirelessly to get his flying submarine off the drawing board and into the water. Donald V. Reid, the inventor, was a high-energy person of many interests and talents, as well as a technical genius. This story is told by his son, who helped his father assemble the craft in their Asbury Park, New Jersey back yard, and who was the pilot of the Reid Flying Submarine. Photos and drawings illustrate how the sub was made, and show it being tested in the water and in flight. Don Reid gained minor celebrity status for his novel idea and appeared on the popular television programs, I've Got A Secret, To Tell The Truth, and The Johnny Carson Show. He was an aviation pioneer who was never fully recognized for his innovative contributions. Read this engaging story of invention and experimentation, and find out what ultimately became of the extraordinary Reid Flying Submarine! (2004), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 178 pp. 
ISBN: 0788431366" synopsis taken from Heritage Books,

Donald Reid, father of the author of this book, designed his single-seat craft in 1961. It had a 65 hp engine for flight, and a 1 hp electric motor to provide the power for underwater propelling.  He first demonstrated his craft on 9 June 1964. Mr. Reid was an engineer at North American Aviation, aircraft manufacturers. He tested model-sized prototypes before building the larger, piloted size aircraft.

Photograph of Reid's Flying Submarine,, LLC has this book listed in their online catalog.  If you are interested in getting of copy of this book for yourself, or someone you know who likes to read about topics on inventions, make it a point to order this book, item number 501-R3036,  at List price for this book is $20,00, but you can order it from us for $18.00.

Fannie's rating for this book is Two Paws Up, and 3 Woofs!  She said that she was very impressed with how this book kept her interest from beginning until the end. Fannie also mentioned that her paws hurt from turning the pages so fast as she read about this exciting invention.  Now, she dreams of entering mechanical and aviation engineering someday in her future.  But first, she has to pass those nasty 8th grade exams this month.

Don't miss the next posting of Fannie's Favorites next month.  Fannie is currently reviewing the AncestorStuff publication catalog for her next favorite read.

For future reference...Fannie's Rating System is as follows :

Engaging/Educational Factor......No Paws UP, One Paw UP, Two Paws UP

Entertainment Value.....No Woofs, One Woof, Two Woofs, Three Woofs